Anaconda with Peter Wang
April 7th, 2021
34 mins 39 secs
About this Episode
Eric Anderson (@ericmander) welcomes Peter Wang (@pwang) for a conversation about the Python ecosystem and the open-source communities that have built it. Peter is the creator of Anaconda, the near-essential Python distribution for scientific computing that makes managing packages a lot more manageable. In today’s episode, Peter offers a unique and powerful perspective on how to make the economics of open-source work for everyone.
In this episode we discuss:
- The paradox of the PVM and Python’s packaging difficulties
- How Guido van Rossum implied permission for Anaconda and the open-source Python movement
- Python as the lingua franca of a new professional class
- Looking to Roblox for inspiration for a scientific computing creator community
- Giving back to open-source communities through the NumFOCUS Foundation
- Anaconda
- NumPy
- SciPy
- Enthought
- Jupyter
- TensorFlow
- MicroPython
- scikit-learn
- pandas
- Quansight
- Red Hat
- Roblox
People mentioned:
- Travis Oliphant (@teoliphant)
- Fernando Pérez (@fperez_org)
- Brian Granger (@ellisonbg)
- Min Ragan-Kelley (@minrk)
- Guido van Rossum (@gvanrossum)
- James Currier (@JamesCurrier)
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