EdgeDB with Yury Selivanov
March 16th, 2022
45 mins 27 secs
About this Episode
Eric Anderson (@ericmander) has a conversation with Yury Selivanov (@1st1), the co-founder of EdgeDB. EdgeDB is the world’s first “graph-relational database.” It’s a term coined specifically for this new type of database, designed to ease the pain of dealing with the usual relational and NoSQL models. And no, EdgeDB is NOT a graph database!
In this episode we discuss:
- A glitch at EdgeDB’s Matrix-inspired launch event
- Origin of the term and design philosophy, “graph-relational”
- What to know about becoming a Python core developer
- How EdgeDB’s next-gen query language compares to GraphQL and SQL
People mentioned:
- Elvis Pranskevichus (@elprans)
- Colin McDonnell (@colinhacks)
- Victor Petrovykh (Github: @vpetrovykh)
- Dan Abramov (@dan_abramov)
- Brett Cannon (@brettsky)
- Daniel Levine (@daniel_levine)
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